I am a Language Services Provider (LSP)

English - Arabic - English 

I am a Foreign Languages and Applied Linguistics expert, I hold a bachelor’s degree in Languages and Translation, al-Azhar University 2017. I have been working as a Language Teacher, Translator, and Localizer since October 2014. I have both the qualifications and the experience across a diverse variety of the Language services industry. I have worked on a wide array of projects in the following domains: Website Localization and Translation, E-Learning Content Translation, Copywriting & Editing, Voice-over and narration services, Transcription, Subtitling, and Proofreading. I also have great freelance experience in Digital Storytelling, and Graphic Design.

I provide a full range of Translation, Localization, and other Language services, from simple document translations to full-blown localization projects. I have a deep understanding of the work process. My work is always of the highest quality, and I strive to be available whenever my clients need me. No matter what kind of translation service you need, I can help you out!

Website Localization and Translation

Translating your company’s website into multiple languages can be a daunting task, but I can take care of it for you. I know there is never enough time, and you cannot afford to delay the launch of your new site, so I will make sure that the translation is done on time without compromising the quality of the translation.

Common challenges to website translation
Common challenges to website translation; from your website to SEO and on down. It can be a challenge to make your website accessible worldwide while preserving its original design and layout. Can everything be localized in time? Will the search strategy you’ve developed for your home market be workable in the other markets?

Translating E-learning content

Make your online learning materials effective for all users. I provide translation services for your online learning materials, making them accessible to a wider audience regardless of their native language or background. Multilingual corporate e-learning localization. Fast, accurate translation.

Taking your e-learning programs to a global audience can be challenging. Since I already have experience in both the e-learning industry and translation, it will enable me to accurately translate and localize your e-learning material while maintaining its essence and logic. 

Thereby, I can do the

  • localize written, video, audio, e-learning software and interactive content.
  • Provide multilingual copywriting services and maintain your brand terminology.
  • Ensure your E-learning content meets the standards of the targeted audience. 
    • What types of E-learning content do I translate?
    1. Audio & Video
    2. Offline materials
    3. Documentation
    4. Resource files
    5. Language training
    6. Cultural training
    7. Learning management systems
    8. Development Workshops
    9. Training guides and manuals
    10. Documents and meeting materials
    11. Slides of presentations inc. PPT, G-Slides, Keynote, etc.

Copy Writing & Editing

Let’s help you create your content and translate it!

Why should you consider my copywriting services?

You need a professional copywriter who is completely familiar with this industry and has language expertise. You need someone who can capture the essence of your message and turn it into clear, compelling content that is easy to read and easy to understand. I can take care of everything for you from writing and editing to formatting and publishing. I can work within your budget and deliver results on time.

To get the best results, your marketing content must be of the right type. Each type of content has advantages and disadvantages, which you need to consider when creating your content marketing strategy. I will explore some of the main options and give a few examples of how each might work for your business strategy. Such as blog posts, landing pages, visual content, and other website content, email campaigns and social media – SEO optimized when needed, of course. Choosing the right content format will depend on the kind of information you want to share with your customers.

Create your own brand voice

I can also help you create a one-off and exceptional style guide for your content, which you can use across your whole business to ensure style consistency.

Additional content localization process

Once you approve the copy, I will localize your content, taking your business to a global audience.

You will be in control

The process is simple and ensures that you’re in full control of your project at every stage. First, I will use your brief to create the first draft of your content. You then work closely with me until you are completely happy with your content, which is afterwards ready to be translated and published.

Thus, it can be extremely time-consuming to find the right copywriter. However, you may simply focus on other areas of your business, while I handle your content production.

Voice-over & Narration services

Creating effective visual content combined with voice-over will make sure your audience can understand and remember your messages. If you already have a script, let’s get it done. Or, we can start from the ground up, working closely with you to ensure your brand voice is heard. 

Let’s look at some of the benefits:

1. Marketing videos

Present your products to the world using the same visual content paired with a remarkable and unique voice-over that your audience understands.

2. Social media

Increase organic reach, engagement, and grow your audience.

3. Unique voice, targeted accent

Your video content needs a unique voice for your brand and target audience. Once I am done with the script, I will follow up with you to identify the message you want to deliver, right down to gender and specific accent.

So, whether you’re creating a product demo video or planning a viral social media campaign, talk to me and I will help you talk to the world.


Full range of audio and video transcription services.

Transcribing your audio and video content can be a time-consuming and tedious task. That's where my transcription services come in handy. Transcription services will take your audio or video content and translate it into text. You can then use that text to create written content for your blog, website, or other digital channels. Save your time and money.

If you need a transcription service, talk to me! I will then help you make accurate and quality material.

1. Transcribing audio to text

2. Interviews

3. Software transcriptions

4. Events, seminars and lectures

I can transcribe all known types of audio and video formats. If you’re in doubt, I am happy to help you figure it out.


No more struggling to understand what is being said! I will subtitle your video content to ensure your message is loud and clear – even when the sound is turned down.

Subtitles for social media

Did you know that 82% of social media users watch video content without sound? I believe that’s reason enough to start subtitling your videos so as to enable your content to be more accessible to viewers from around the world. 

Stages of the subtitling process. First, I will create a full transcript of your video’s content, then work closely with you to determine the best way to translate and subtitle your video for your target audiences. Finally, I will deliver your subtitling in the requested format.

Do I provide hard-coded or soft-coded subtitles?

I can provide both hard-coded and soft-coded subtitling/captioning. I can also provide you with an SRT file so you can play subtitles alongside video content, rather than ‘burned in’.


Misunderstanding can cost you money and far more even though. So, it's important to get your content right with no mistakes before publishing. Whatever your content is, I can help.  

Your content is in safe hands

Spelling matters

Spelling mistakes won’t fall through the net again. I will eliminate spelling errors and make sure your industry-specific terms are translated and spelled correctly.

Grammar and punctuation

Checking grammar and punctuation is time-consuming, especially if it isn’t something you do every day. Our proofreaders quickly correct any language structure or grammatical issues to save you time, money and your customers’ trust.

Content structure

I will make sure that your content is well structured, clear, and easy to read.

Tone and message

I will only make sure your content is free of mistakes, but I will also consider making phrases and terms in line with your brand and tone of voice to deliver the expected message.

Talk to me and I will help you talk to the world.